Child Care Coalition of Manitoba

working for a fully accessible, publicly-funded, non-profit system of comprehensive and high quality child care


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Press Release: Childcare is Still a Women's Issue PDF Print E-mail

On International Women’s Day 2013, the Child Care Coalition of Manitoba points out – again – that childcare is essential for women’s equality

Bonnie Brask, proud and worried mother of 13-month old Kai, knows the childcare crisis first-hand. “I’m completely frustrated and fed up,” says the 25 year old, who lives in River Heights. Bonnie put her son’s name on childcare centre waiting lists as soon as he was born. Her maternity leave ended in January, but she’s been told she won’t have a childcare space until at least 2015 – two years from now. In the interim, Kai’s two grandmothers are caring for him part-time, while Bonnie works mornings as an Educational Assistant. “It’s totally crazy and absurd,” says Bonnie, “that the government doesn’t make sure we have enough quality childcare.

Kai is one of the 9,759 children on the provincial childcare waiting list. Bonnie is competing for one of Manitoba’s 30,614 regulated childcare spaces that are already filled. The province of Manitoba acknowledges that there is a licensed childcare space for just 16.6% of Manitoba’s children under the age of 12.

Read the full press release.

Last Updated on Saturday, 27 February 2021 19:29


For information about the Coalition, or to set up an interview you are welcome to contact the following Steering Committee members:

Maureen Morrison

Susan Prentice

Thelma Randall