Child Care Coalition of Manitoba

working for a fully accessible, publicly-funded, non-profit system of comprehensive and high quality child care


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Governance Thinktank PDF Print E-mail

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In January 2009, we held a great think tank with nearly four dozen participant and leading speakers. We were honoured with the presence of Charlie Coffey, and Gord Mackintosh, Minister of Family Services and Housing, among other guests. See a slide-show of pictures from the Think tank.

Growing out of our January 2009 think-tank, the Coalition prepared a report discussing governance options for Manitoba childcare. We also have a detailed overview of the two day event, with comments from the participants, as they worked through questions and listened to informative presentations (some of which are available below).

Childcare Governance: Is there another way? [PDF, 15pp 191.12 KB]
Debra Mayer, Child Care Coalition of Manitoba, August 2009.


Charley Coffey, Leading Executive and former RBC Vice-President - Powerpoint and Speaking Notes

Terry Burgess - Royal Bank of Canada

Carol-Anne Young, City of Vancouver - What is Possible? (PDF)

Susan Prentice, Manitoba Childcare Now [PDF - 810.9 KB]  (PDF)

Lucille Daudet-Mitchell, Division scolaire franco-manitobaine [PDF - 1.66 MB] (PDF)

David Kerr, Cooperatives & Childcare: Basic Concepts  (PowerPoint)

Dale Peake, Superintendent

Bryan Spencer

Gail Scott and Harley Grouette - Maple Leaf Food and Child Care in Brandon (PowerPoint)


Last Updated on Friday, 16 October 2009 10:13