Child Care Coalition of Manitoba

working for a fully accessible, publicly-funded, non-profit system of comprehensive and high quality child care


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Public Policy Workshop PDF Print E-mail

REFRAMING CHILDCARE AS ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: Exploring The Theory, Method, Practice and Strategy of Economic Impact Studies

Join leading expert Dr. Mildred Warner, of Cornell University, for a practical workshop on the hows and whys of economic analysis of childcare. Dr. Warner will be speaking on American evidence about the economic impact of childcare, and the potential of economic development research to increase public will to invest in services.

Also presenting is Dr. Susan Prentice, who will launch the Child Care Coalition’s new research reports on the economic and social impact of childcare in Parkland, Thompson and Saint-Pierre-Jolys.

Who should attend? Those interested in childcare, public policy, women’s equality, child and family services and community economic development.
Monday, April 23rd, 2007
Workshop: 9:00 – 4:30 pm
Registration: 8:30
Hot lunch included
Hotel Fort Garry, Gateway Room (Mezzanine level)
222 Broadway Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba

Registration fee $50 • Space limited • Reduced rate available
Register via email at: workshop [@] childcaremanitoba [dot] ca by April 9th
For more information: 474-6447

Media release in pdf.



For information about the Coalition, or to set up an interview you are welcome to contact the following Steering Committee members:

Maureen Morrison

Susan Prentice

Thelma Randall