2016 Family Services Minister Kerri-Irvin Ross releases the Flanagan-Beach Manitoba Early Learning and Child Care Commission report. The Commission (read the report here) recommends far-reaching changes.
2014 In the Spring, Family Services Minister Kerri Irvin-Ross releases Manitoba's third multi-year plan, titled "Family Choices: Manitoba's Plan to Expand Early Learning and Child Care." Among its six action points, the plan commits the province to establishing a Commission to to explore the needs of families and the delivery of early learning and child care in the province. In the Fall, Winnipeg was the site of the fourth national childcare conference, Childcare 2020. Premier Selinger addresses the event, and announces Manitoba's commitment to "universal childcare."
2013 The CCCM and the Manitoba Child Care Association jointly launch a campaign, calling on Manitoba to establish a Commission on Integrated Early Learning and Child Care, and asking that the new plan draw on the OECD best practices for childcare. Visit the campaign website.
2009 The CCC launches a series of reports, growing out of our Status of Women Canada-funded project on rural and northern women, focussing on how to promote economic security and reduce work-family conflict.
2008 Manitoba launches a second five-year plan for childcare, called "Family Choices," led by the Hon Gord Mackintosh, Minister of Family Services and Housing. The plan contains 12 elements to move childcare forward. The Coalition begins work on our Northern/Rural project, with funding from Status of Women Canada Women's Program.
2007 The Association of Manitoba Municipalities passes Policy 1607 , supporting rural and northern childcare for its economic contributions and its role as infrastructure. This resolution directly built on the Child Care Coalition of Manitoba's trio of social and economic impact studies of rural (Parkland), northern (Thompson) and franco-manitoban (St.-Pierre-Jolys) childcare. The spring issue of the AMM magazine, Municipal Leader, features an article on the positive economic impact of rural childcare. The Manitoba government reduces the surcharge paid by subsidized parents, and raises the income at which parents qualify for a subsidy - the first time since 1991.
2006 The newly-elected Conservative government cancels the bilateral agreements, and Manitoba loses the $43 million it had been counting on receiving. The Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives produced a fast-fax on the crisis this caused for Manitoba childcare. The Hon. Gord Macintosh calls the cancellation one of the "biggest U-turns" in Canadian social policy history." The national Child Care Advocacy Association of Canada and its allies launches "Code Blue" for childcare.
2005 Manitoba was the first province to sign a bilateral agreement (titled "Moving Forward on Early Learning and Childcare") under the leadership of Prime Minister Paul Martin and Social Development Minister Ken Dryden. The deal, signed April 29th, ensures funds for early childhood services for children aged 0-12, and commits to spending funds exclusively on non-profit services. The Government of Manitoba's Action Plan was released in July entitled "Manitoba's Action Plan: Next Steps". Later that fall, more details were announced in a document titled "Manitoba's Action Plan: Key Objectives". Over November and December, the Province issued a number of press releases detailing the implementation of the Action Plan.
2004 The Coalition releases Time For Action: An Economic and Social Analysis of Childcare in Winnipeg, the first-ever Canadian economic impact study of childcare. This was the first of four studies produced by the Changing Childcare project funded by Status of Women Canada.
2003 The federal government and the provinces (save Quebec) sign a Multilateral Framework on Early Learning and Child Care. Of a total of $900 million dedicated to early learning and childcare over five years, Manitoba is slated to receive just $32.2 million, to the Coalition's disappointment. The provincial budget for 2003-04 increases childcare 8.6%, for a total increase of over 41% since 2000.
2001 The Hon Tim Sale, Minister of Family Services and Housing, released a Vision Paper on childcare, and invited comment. Over 24,000 Manitobans respond, and a summary of responses was released. Later that year, the provincial government announced a Five Year Plan for Child Care, and childcare funding was increased. Manitoba also amended Employment Standards legislation to allow new parents (birth and adopting) to take up to 52 weeks of leave, to harmonize with the Federal Employment Insurance enhancements to maternity and parental benefits.
2000 The new NDP government increased childcare funding by 18% in their first budget, the first real funding increase to childcare in over a decade. Unit funding was introduced to equalize operating grant payments to programs. Parent fees increased. Eight weeks of subsidy eligibility was restored to unemployed parents. The federal government and the provinces (save Quebec) signed the Early Childhood Development Services Agreement, out of which Manitoba will receive $80 million between 2001 and 2006.
2000 In January, the Child Care Coalition of Manitoba, backed by over 55 organizations, asked the NDP government for a "Quebec-style" childcare system. In November, the Coalition and the CCPA-MB organized a policy conference on "The Future of Childcare in Manitoba."
1998 The You Bet I Care! Study determined that real wages for early childhood educators in Manitoba fell between 9 - 12% between 1991 and 1998.
1996 The Child Day Care Regulatory Review Committee was established to advise the Minister of Family Services and Housing about childcare. The new Canadian Health and Social Transfer (CHST) significantly cut federal transfer payments to Manitoba. (See Women's Support, Women's Work: Child Care in an Era of Deficit Reduction, Devolution, Downsizing and Deregulation.)
1994 Dr Lois Brockman's survey of rural childcare concluded that farm families "are in great need of flexible and accessible childcare."
1993 The Child Care Coalition of Manitoba was founded. The Manitoba Child Care Association estimated that childcare workers subsidized the system through their low wages to a total of $13 million/yr.
1993 Childcare was further restructured. Operating grants were reduced. The total number of subsidies was capped at 9,600. Licensing of new childcare spaces was frozen. Licensing became conditional on a program's agreement that they would operate without grants or subsidies. The permitted surcharge for subsidized parents rose to $2.40/day per child. Parents were cut off subsidy after two weeks of unemployment (a reduction from eight weeks.) The Manitoba Child Care Association and the Family Day Care Association lost their annual operating grants.
1991 Under the Progressive Conservative government, led by Gary Filmon, childcare funding was dramatically restructured. The designated salary enhancement grant and other funds were rolled into a single operating grant, and total spending was slashed. Commercial centres were permitted to receive payment on behalf of subsidized children. Parent fees rose between 18 - 49%, depending on the age of child. Subsidy eligibility levels were set and have not changed since then. Beginning in 1991, some programs received operating grants (were "funded" or "partially funded") and others did not (were "unfunded").
1990 Childcare fees increased. The Working Group on Francophone Day Care concluded that there was "a lack of childcare specific to French culture and language, as well as a lack of resources and training in support of this system."
1989 The Task Force on Child Care called for childcare funding to rise by $20 million, and noted that there was a "severe shortage" of infant and school-age spaces in Manitoba. It also concluded that staff salary levels were "inadequate." Childcare fees increased.
1988 Childcare fees increased. The Winnipeg Social Planning Council recommended that the first priority for improving childcare in Manitoba should be to expand the supply of licensed spaces.
1987 Under an NDP government, Dr. Chris Badgley declared that "Manitoba has the best system of training and daycare in North America." Community Services Minister Muriel Smith led a push for the federal government to establish a national day care program, and the Winnipeg Sun declared that "Daycare Tops Provincial Agenda."
1986 The provincial government introduced salary enhancement grants to eligible non-profit centres. Between 1979 - 1986, under the NDP, provincial spending on childcare rose significantly and the growth in childcare was called "phenomenal" by social policy experts.
1985 Community Child Day Care Standards Act and Regulations were amended.
1984 The provincial government introduced a unique training program to allow childcare workers to upgrade their qualifications while continuing to receive full salaries and benefits.
1983 The Community Child Day Care Standards Act and its Regulations was enacted. The new Act included provisions for licensing standards, staff qualifications, and criteria for governance and board accountability. Designated grants enabled centres to integrate special needs children, leading the country in providing inclusive care. Under the new legislation, childcare fees were provincially established, a Canadian innovation.
1974 The provincial Department of Health and Social Development established the Child Day Care Program. It provided start-up and operating grants to non-profit centres and family day care homes, as well as subsidies for eligible low-income parents. Manitoba was the first Canadian province to take advantage of the Canada Assistance Plan's cost-sharing provisions for children "in need."
1901 First Day Nursery Centre established in Winnipeg by the Mother's Association.