Literature Review of Socioeconomic Effects and Net Benefits: Understanding and Addressing Workforce Shortages in ECEC (2009)
This report was prepared for the Child Care Human Resources Sector Council by the Centre for Spatial Economics. Among the key findings
• Child care grows the economy. Every dollar invested in child care programs increases GDP (economic output) by $2.54—one of the strongest levels of short term economic stimulus of all sectors, and far ahead of construction and manufacturing.
• Child care creates jobs. Investing $1 million in the child care sector generates almost 40 jobs—at least 40% higher than the next closest industry, and four times the jobs generated by investing $1 million in construction activity. • Child care more than pays for itself. Even in the short term, more than 90% of the cost of hiring child care workers goes back to governments as increased revenue, and the federal government gains the most. Over the long term, every dollar invested in quality child care programs returns $2.54 in benefits to society.
A Decade of Decline: Regulated Childcare in Manitoba, 1989-1999 (2000) By Susan Prentice, published by the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives-Manitoba Manitoba entered the 1990s as a Canadian leader in childcare; it exits the decade having lost that distinction. This paper describes what happened to regulated child care in Manitoba under the Filmon government. Funding cuts at both the federal and provincial levels have led to a situation in Manitoba in which childcare is "severely compromised on three fronts:" the availability of spaces to meet the needs of children and their families, the affordability of care and the quality of services provided.
Care Less (2000) By Susan Prentice, Published by the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives-Manitoba A 4-page summary tabloid based on A Decade of Decline: Regulated Childcare in Manitoba, 1989-1999.
Child Care: Manitobans should curb their enthusiasm. (2003) Fast Facts, Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives -Manitoba, March 20, 2003.
A Parent's Guide to Quality Child Care (2003) Manitoba Child Day Care, Government of Manitoba.
Early Childhood Education and Care in Canada 2006 (2007) Martha Friendly, Jane Beach, Carolyn Ferns, Michelle Turiano. 7th edition, June 2007, published by the Childcare Resource and Research Unit, Toronto. The seventh edition of Early childhood education and care in Canada presents 2005 and 2006 data. These data – together with data compiled for earlier editions – 1992, 1995, 1998, 2001 and 2004 reveal trends in ECEC over a decade and a half. It includes cross-Canada information on public kindergarten, provincial/ territorial information about regulated child care, maternity and parental leave and relevant demographic information.
Architecture for National Child Care (2002) By Ken Battle and Sherri Torjman, Published by the Caledon Institute of Social Policy The case for investing in high quality child care is compelling and unequivocal. This paper discusses four possible was to create a national childcare system, with mechanisms developed in collaboration with the National Liberal Caucus Social Policy Committee, Chair, John Godfrey, MP. You can read and download this report at the Caledon Institute web site.
You Bet I Care (2001) #1: A Canada-Wide Study on Wages, Working Conditions, and Practices in Child Care Centres #2: Caring and Learning Environments: Quality in Child Care Centres Across Canada #3 Caring and Learning Environments: Quality in Regulated Family Care Across Canada These three studies of the YBIC! project involved 1,082 child care centres, 5,451 centre teaching staff, and 231 regulated family child care providers. Using data collected in 1998, they paint a comprehensive picture of childcare in Canada. All three reports are available on-line for download from the University of Guelph Centre for Families, Working Life and Well-Being.
Work-life balance in the new millennium: Where are we? Where do we need to go? (2001) By Linda Duxbury and Chris Higgins, Published by Canadian Policy Research Networks, CPRN Discussion Paper No. W|12 This study shows a growing proportion of the workforce is having difficulty balancing the competing roles of employee, parent, spouse and elder caregiver.
School-aged Children across Canada: A Patchwork of Public Policies (2001) By Rianne Mahon and Caroline Beauvais, published by CPRN Study as Discussion Paper No. F|10.2001 Examines public policies in place for school-aged children and their families across Canada.
Early Childhood Development Services: How Much Will They Cost? (2000) By Martha Friendly & Laurel Rothman Estimates of the cost of implementing the federal Early Childhood Development Agreement (signed in 2000) as $10 billion annually. Available for download.
Child Care in Québec: Where There's a Will, There's a Way (2002) By Jocelyne Tougas, published by the Child Care Advocacy Association of Canada Describes Québec's early childhood care and education initiative and draws out the key elements and experiences that could serve as lessons for child care advocates across the country.
Starting Strong: Early Childhood Education and Care (2001) Published by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Paris. Reviews early childhood care and education policies of Australia, Belgium , the Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Sweden, the UK, and the USA.
Diversity or Disparity? Early Childhood Education and Care in Canada (2002) Produced by Campaign 2000 Part of a national community indicators project on ECEC currently underway by the national children's anti-poverty group.
Women's Support, Women's Work: Child Care in an Era of Deficit Reduction, Devolution, Downsizing and Deregulation (1998) By Gillian Doherty, Martha Friendly and Mab Oloman, published by Status of Women Canada This paper identifies what has happened to child care over the last decade, suggests child care would serve as a good test for assessing the effectiveness of the new social union, and includes a critique of the CHST.
150 Canadian Statistics on Work, Family & Well-Being (2001) By Karen L. Johnson and Donna S. Lero A useful compendium of work-life facts.
Fact and Fantasy: Eight myths about early childhood education and care (2003) Published by the Childcare Resource and Research Unit, University of Toronto This summary presents a series of myths that reflect opposition to early childhood education and care frequently echoed in public debates about child care. It is a summary of Fact and Fantasy: Eight Myths About Early Childhood Education and Care by Gordon Cleveland and Michael Krashinsky. Full report is also available online at
Child Care in Canada: What Does the Public Want? (2003) Published by the Canadian Child Care Federation and the Child Care Advocacy Association of Canada This national proportionate study of the Canadian public reveals a tremendous disparity between public preferences for child care and the actual state of child care in Canada.
2008 National Report Card on Child and Family Poverty in Canada (2008) Produced by Campaign 2000, as part of its work to end child poverty.