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Franco-Manitobans PDF Print E-mail

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This  paper was prepared by the Fédération provinciale des comités de parents du Manitoba (FPCP) to consider the context of supports for Franco-Manitoban families with young children -- and was prepared in French, and translated into English. Both versions are available for download. This initiative builds on our earlier project on francophone childcare in St-Pierre-Jolys.

Link to the FPCP report 


Une approche systémique dès la naissance [PDF, 43pp, 873.3 KB]
Fédération provinciale des comités de parents du Manitoba (FPCP), 9 septembre 2009.



Link to the FPCP report

Identifying, welcoming and accompanying parents of francophone children: A systemic approach - Starting at birth [ PDF - 762.27 KB]  - prepared by the Provincial Federation of Manitoba Parents' Committees (FPCP)


Last Updated on Monday, 14 December 2009 10:51