Franco-Manitoban Childcare: Childcare as Economic, Social and Language Development in St-Pierre-Jolys
The Child Care Coalition of Manitoba studied the economic and social impact of childcare in the francophone village of St-Pierre-Jolys over 2006, and issued its report early in 2007. The research was supported by a local Advisory Council of leading stakeholders (see below.) In addition to economic and statistical data, it includes the voices of St-Pierre-Jolys residents.
The study found that childcare generates multiple benefits for children, families and the local economy. Childcare provides a rich milieu for children’s development while simultaneously supporting their parents. Childcare enables parents to work or study, and may be a valuable remedy to the region’s local labour shortage.
In Manitoba’s francophonie, childcare services play an additional role. Francophone childcare contributes to linguistic and cultural vitality in the next generation, enriching all Manitobans. French childcare enables children to have a strong language foundation for primary and secondary schooling. Childcare services are also important resources for children and parents in exogamous families (mixed Francophone and non-Francophone parents). Childcare services provide a hub for cross-cultural inter-generational linkages. French language childcare services, however, are strikingly under-developed in Manitoba, under-serving Franco-Manitoban families.
The village of St-Pierre-Jolys has 76 licensed full and part-time childcare spaces in centres, nurseries and a family childcare home, though only 46 spaces operate year-round. There is a licensed childcare space for 42 per cent of St-Pierre-Jolys’ 180 children aged 0 – 12 years. Parents report fees are high, and fee subsidies are restrictive. There is a severe shortage of trained early childhood educators: two of the village’s three centres are operating without the minimum number of trained staff. Difficulties recruiting and retaining qualified childcare staff are the direct result of low wages and benefits, compounded by insufficient francophone training options. The shortage of trained staff is creating a crisis in St-Pierre-Jolys facilities.
The childcare sector in St-Pierre-Jolys had a total revenue of $455,310 in 2005-06. As childcare revenue “ripples” through the local economy, it brings additional benefits estimated at $264,080. The total direct and indirect effect of the childcare industry in St-Pierre-Jolys is $719,389 in 2005/06. The childcare field provides 16 full and part-time jobs in the village, and spending by the sector supports another 6 full time equivalent jobs. Every $1 spent on childcare returns $1.58 in the short-term, even before longer-term returns are assessed.
St-Pierre-Jolys needs more childcare services, childcare must become more affordable and accessible to families, the quality of care must rise, and the ECE labour force must be better supported and resourced. Improvements to local and provincial policy and services can best be fully realized when Canada establishes a national childcare program. Such improvements will require policy innovation, political will at all levels, and increased public funding.
St-Pierre-Jolys Advisory Council
Debby Anderson & Tracie Rigby
Agape House
Sherry Bauming-Stasiuk
Parents’ Committee École Héritage Immersion School
Janine Bertrand & Jacqueline Gosselin
Division scolaire franco-manitobaine
Trish Braun
South Eastman Early Years Regional Team
Murielle Bugera
Chaboillé Community Development Corporation
Réal Curé
Village of St-Pierre-Jolys
Bernard DesAutels
École communautaire Réal-Berard
Rachelle Edmunds
St-Pierre-Jolys Chamber of Commerce
Nicole Fontaine-Walker
Fédération provinciale des comités de parents du Manitoba
Amy Haworth
École Héritage Immersion School
Line Leclerc
Conseil femmes en santé Sud-Est
Cécile Lesage
Le Coin Santé
Elaine McPherson
Centre medico-social DeSalaberry
Gabrielle Musick
Community Employment and Resource Centre
Muriel Therrien
Réseau communautaire
Based on the evidence, it seems clear that greater investment in St-Pierre-Jolys’ childcare system will bring concrete local benefits to children, families and the regional economy and will enhance the quality of life in this vibrant village