Child Care Coalition of Manitoba

working for a fully accessible, publicly-funded, non-profit system of comprehensive and high quality child care

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Childcare - Canada

Child Care Advocacy Association of Canada
The national organization for childcare advocacy, dedicated to promoting quality, publicly funded child care accessible to all.

Canadian Child Care Federation
The bilingual national organization of professional early childhood educators.

Child Care Human Resources Sector Council
The bilingual organization working to reflect the interests of the more than 300,000 members of the child care workforce in Canada.

Child Care Resource and Research Unit
Canada's premiere site for national and international news, resources and publications on early childhood education. Part of the University of Toronto's Centre for Urban and Community Studies, and publisher of the invaluable publication, Early Childhood Education and Care in Canada 2001.

Integration Network
The Integration Network was established to develop new policy recommendations which address the critical issue of the lack of intergtation or bridging between "care" programs in childcare centres and "education" (kindergarten) programs in the schools.

Manitoba Child Care Association
The professional organization representing early childhood educators in Manitoba.

Rural Voices
A project designed to meet the needs of Manitoba and Saskatchewan, where farm safety issues raise the importance of child care to an even greater level.

Specialink: The National Centre for Childcare Inclusion
A Canadian organization working on behalf of young children with special needs and their families.

Kids Canada Policy Digest
A one-stop location for current and comparable information about policies and programs for children and families across the country, hosted by the Canadian Research Policy Network (CPRN)

Childcare - International

Cornell Linking Childcare and Economic Development This site, overseen by Dr. Mildred Warner, provides a quantitative database of economic demographic and policy data for all 50 states and a qualitative database of all state and local studies (completed and in-progress). The site also includes research reports, copies of state studies, advice on economic analysis, and profiles of new approaches to child care policy.

The Institute for Child and Family Policy at Columbia University and its partner The Clearinghouse on International Developments in Child, Youth and Family Policies at Columbia University.
The Institute addresses social policies for children, youth, and families. The Clearinghouse provides access to national and international research and reports.

National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC)
America's largest organization of early childhood educators and others dedicated to improving the quality of programs for children from birth through third grade.

National Institute for Early Education Research
A leading American site, based at Rutgers University, with a rich set of links to research.


Child Day Care, Manitoba
Child Day Care (of the Child and Family Services Division, Department of Family Services and Housing) is the provincial department that oversees child care in Manitoba.

City of Winnipeg
The home page of the City of Winnipeg.

Government of Canada
The main entrance to all federal government departments, including Human Resources Development Canada which addresses childcare.

Assembly of First Nations
The national organization of the First Nations in Canada. The bilingual website includes links to many press releases, current events, fact sheets, information about various social programs.

Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs
The AMC is working on a childcare initiative, in addition to wide-ranging other work.

Social Policy

Caledon Institute of Social Policy
An independent think-tank working on smart social policy.

Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives - Manitoba
Manitoba's leading progressive think tank.

Canadian Policy Research Networks
The CPRN Family Network has produced extensive materials on childcare and social policy, both Canadian and comparative.

Centre for Families, Work and Well-being, at the University of Guelph
The University of Guelph's research centre on work-family issues.

Vanier Institute of the Family
Working on behalf of Canada's 8.4 million families.

Winnipeg Social Planning Council
Winnipeg's community-based organization providing leadership on social planning, and hosting Manitoba's Campaign 2000 network.


Institute for Women's Policy Research
American public policy research organization public policy issues of importance to women and their families.

Policy, Action, Research-List (PAR-L)
A bilingual moderated listserv and a website for women-centred policy, providing support for feminist researchers and activists in Canada and Québec.

UN Platform for Action Committee (UNPAC) Women & Economy Project
The economomy has long been used to intimidate and exclude. Women are especially affected becasue so much of women's work is undervalued by the mainstream economy. The Women and Economy website is a place for learning, sharing and imagining alternatives to mainstream notions of economics.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 02 December 2008 13:51