Waiting for action on a federal childcare plan |
Today, the Child Care Advocacy Association of Canada released an important new document, titled "What we want in an earlly learning and childcare framework for Canada."
The document reads:
"The federal Liberals promised they would take action to develop affordable, accessible, inclusive, high-quality early learning and child care for every child, “within 100 days” of the election.
Federal, provincial and territorial representatives are now negotiating the basis of federal funding agreements. The first Liberal federal budget set aside $500 million for child care in 2017, of which $100 million is earmarked for Indigenous child care. We are concerned that these negotiations will result in a federal government hand-over of money to the provinces and territories to merely bolster the current patchwork and inadequate approach to child care."
Last Updated on Sunday, 15 January 2017 14:58 |